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Medical Office Portfolio Sale Leaseback in North Carolina


The Ascension Team represents a Broadtree Partners, the private equity owner of AMM Healthcare. AMM is a medical care organization recognized across North Carolina as an innovator in primary and specialty care, operating several highly profitable locations for over 40 years.

Client Objective: 

The client recognized the arbitrage opportunity present between the acquired real estate cost versus the value creation available through a sale leaseback transaction. A sale leaseback transaction would allow the client to generate meaningful capital that it could reinvest into the business to fund future growth.


Ascension’s team leveraged its diverse investor network, bringing in multiple competitive offers from buyers including healthcare/medical-focused private and institutional investors. After multiple rounds and thoroughly vetting all interested parties, the Ascension team and Broadtree Partners collectively selected a private, well capitalized investment management firm with a track record in medical office and healthcare property investments. Ultimately, the deal closed quickly and at favorable terms to both parties. 

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