Spotlight: Freezer-Cooler & Food Production Facilities
Key Takeaways
- Stickiness and bolted-down tenants make this sector attractive for long-term sale...
Key Takeaways
In recent years, Mexico's private equity and sale leaseback markets have undergone a remarkable...
If you ask a room of real estate investors about their feelings toward tertiary markets, you’re...
There's a lot of activity in the automotive services space as it relates to sale leasebacks (SLBs)....
In the fierce race to acquire automotive dealerships, some buyers are employing a...
Over the last few years, we’ve been coming across more and more sale leaseback (SLB) candidates in...
Many employers that operate employee stock ownership plans or ESOPs may be growing anxious about...
Key Takeaways
· Lenders can still lend, and deals can still get done even amid higher rates and...
Managing capital gains and the tax burden it can generate is a critical consideration in preparing...
Key Takeaways